Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

Hi Nicky! It might be OK if the crack wasn't too bad. I have used wax or just made a 'band-aid' from masking tape to seal a crack before. Just watch that it doesn't go rotten.
On the misting thing --- I can get away with not misting duck eggs (or adding any water at all to the incubator) before Day 25. My incubators are in the room adjacent to the bathroom and humidity in the mornings runs high after showers and such. Day 25, I just fill the incubator wells or add a wet sock or wash cloth.
Who has been mated with Fiona?
Shout out when you are going to candle and I'll candle mine too.
Good luck!
Don't mist the egg with the crack, if you are misting the eggs. That will keep extra moisture out of the crack and reduce the change of it going bad. It will also prevent it from drying out faster then the other eggs, causing an air cell that is to large, and perhaps shrink wrapping of the membrane.
Air cell overgrowth would be my primary concern with the cracked egg, so I second katharinad's advice not to mist it--misting actually increases moisture loss through the shell. Nail polish or candle wax can be used to seal it, then keep it where it has the benefit of as high humidity as you can manage without compromising the rest of the hatch--maybe right next to or over any water wells you have. And don't spray.

Good luck! I can't wait to see those babies.

Either Finn the Runner or William the white Magpie!!! Pot luck I guess (I got them from Iamcuriositycat)

and for those of you who dont know who Fiona is (I got her from Dipsy Doodle Doo)


Im keeping my self at check and am NOT going to candle untill the 28th.

Yes he is!

That boy came from Holderread, and you can see why everyone raves. If I hadn't ended up with four out of five drakes from my Holderread order, I'd have kept them all! I'm just glad they went to such a fabulous home. And they're going to be daddys!!!
I candled my cracked egg last night, Its not smelling rotten but I did use a Glade candle with cinnamon in it, so all I can smell is that. But anyway.... I candled the cracked egg, looked ok, saw the yolk and the air sack so we candled another to see if there was any difference, then we candled another. They all looked the same really but the cracked 1 had a more prominent air sack in it. Fingers crossed!! All turns out well.
*Fingers crossed* I've always been able to see-by-candling an egg going bad before I could smell it. You should be able to tell if it's gone off just by comparing it to the developing ones if you candle every few days.
Could you see a red spot on the yolk with a 'haze' and the faintest beginnings of veins? I candled mine this morning and that's what I could see --- I don't remember candling duck eggs so early before.
All the ones set the 18th appear to be growing except the Muscovy eggs (new layers).
I needed to rearrange things / do the incubator shuffle for the group of duck eggs set the 30th.
Ha! Maybe it's a Runner thing?
a sandwich short of a picnic

I raised a group of Runners a while back (fawn and whites) and they were spastic.

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