Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

That is so amazing - congratulations......!!!!
Oreo(disabled momma) is laying again giving us fertile eggs, but I'm using them for cooking/baking I will not let her go broody because of how weak it made her 1 good leg and so forth, but seeing this all over again is making me want to do this again!! But I won't let her hatch, I'll wait for the other little ladies to lay if I do it again. I don't know though. Maybe I'll just enjoy from a far of other peoples hatch.
Yay yay yay!!! Looks like the new daddy is.... William! Go William!! Oh, what a pretty pretty baby he made.

By the way, I was told time and again that even if the humidity doesn't drop, opening the bator sucks moisture out of the membrane. It didn't make sense to me for a long time (so I ignored it, lol), but one day it hit me: even if the humidity doesn't drop, the air wants to hold as much moisture as it can, so when a sudden loss of moisture occurs, the air sucks moisture wherever it can find it--and the wet membrane of a newly pipped egg is a good place to do that.

It seems counter-intuitive, but if you have a staggered hatch, it's actually better to let the younger eggs go a few days without turning than to open the incubator while the hatch is in progress. Live and learn!

Good for you on following your gut and getting the little girl out of there in time. She is beautiful!!!
Hes ruined already. I have put him in a plastic tote thats about 10 inches high but now when I walk away and leave him in the spare room he can jump out the tote and stands and waits for me to go get him. I have a child safety gate on all my doors..the doors dont latch properly and it keeps the dogs out the rooms. My dog stands on 1 side of the gate and barks and he stands on the other and hollers up the hall way. Hes now sleeping, the door is closed and I have to go dig out my big tote out the old house

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