Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

He's so adorable!!!
Nope--no babies from that group yet. But I can hardly wait. For some reason, the drakes in that group get along really, really well with each other. My original flock has only one drake to about ten hens. The magpies all hang together with the two Holderread runner drakes, so there are three drakes and three hens in that group and they NEVER fight.

Right now NONE of my hens are laying. I have 16 for goodness sake and not ONE is laying. What is up with that? Anyway, I can't hatch till they lay... but I hope to start in a few weeks, if the girls will cooperate. I'm so glad to see your baby--can't wait to see how she matures!
Round 2 with 2 eggs go into Lockdown tomorrow morning. 1 egg is moving around alot and looks like its trying to get into the air sack. The other egg im not sure about, I candled yesterday and saw it moving but not like the other. Today 1 candled and didnt see any movement, but hey you never know. So here we go again and hopefully in a few days I will have someone to keep Mr Honary Elliot company.
1 egg, from the same duck coz its the same shape is doing good and is in the air sack...the other egg, hmmmmm im not to sure on it, I can see a little bit of movement but im not to sure. If it doesnt hatch ill open it up and see whats in there. I think I might of cooked it when Elliot was in lockdown.
Elliot the Honary is spoiled rotten already, he runs round the office and I put him on the computer desk and he jumps and runs up me and sits under my chin. Ducky, your ducks that are white, when they are born do they have and darker yellow bits on them, hes quite dark round the face and back but you can see the pale yellow on his chest and booty, so we will have to wait and see how he turns out, he looks darker than what my F&W was when she was a baby.

Oh and Darlene...his mama duck is still clean..for now
GFS Yes sometimes my white ones have a little darker tinges to their down. I actually have a little one just hatched who I will be watching with interest. Its mother was a fawn duck- father was one of my Harlequins- but the little one is all yellow with an orange beak- one side of its head has a patch of slightly darker down on it. I will try to get a photo - but Im not too sure if it would show up.

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