Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

Here is my newest little one- Now three days old- but tiny compared to the others.

The area I mean is around the eye, It did show up a little in the pic at least.

And for a comparison...


This is the one that hatched a few hours before. My daughter actually assisted the hatch with the little coloured one. She was home- I was at work and she heard the little one distressed. Poor little tyke had its leg backwards over its tail and couldnt move or turn at all. When it hatched it had a curve in its leg the shape of the egg. It was dragging its leg around the incubator- but I put a sticky patch on its foot- and now three days later its running around with the others and you can hardly see the problem.
Aaaah, bless his heart and yours. Its funny what a bit of plaster or sticky tape will do when the ducks are still wet. My neighbour raises goats, thats where I got mine from and when they are born and still wet if she has 1 with the ends of its ears turned up she bends the ears down uses card board and tapes the ends of the ears dry. After a few days the ears are perfect, she has also done this with goats with weak legs too.
As for your ducky colouring, mine is darker than yours, thats what is making me think hes a F&W!! Go figure.
gofaster: If the color is darker than your fws, perhaps it really is blue & white... blue often looks sort of brownish in the down. Still thinking the daddy is William--I can't think where the broken pattern would come from in either William or a pekin--doesn't the white gene cover up pretty much everything else? Still haven't reviewed my genetics info yet... Need to do that!
Elliot is darker than my little one- much more density to the colour of his down. Mine a a bit washed out because of the flash- but Elliot is still a darker more vibrant colour.

How spoilt too!!!! Very cute.
Hi Nicky! I don't know yet! The hatcher is on the bottom shelf (4 shelves, 4 incubators and I have to stand on a step-stool to reach the top one). I wrenched my knee and can't kneel down without wanting to "EEEEEEEEie", so I haven't really studied them.
Got 5 out and pips in the last 2.


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