Egg Art!

Poulets De Cajun

11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
Houston MetroMess, Texas
For a while I've collected feathers and have looked at eggs, and wondered how I could merge my love of art and chickens. I think I've found it...

Check out the galleries and view the pictures of artwork from past shows. I've got to learn how to do some of this stuff!

And since we are on the subject, if you do Egg Artwork, or any kind of poultry related artwork for that matter, post a picture so we can all see would ya?
Hi, I use to carve Emu & Rea eggshells, like the white egg on the bottom right of the gallery. It was really fun.
You can buy eggs off the internet already cleaned out, best to pay the few dollars extra and get clean ones - they stink!!!! I used a Turbo carver for doing mine, small lite weight and moves like a pencil - no oiling required. It was also fairly priced and good customer service. Make sure to get the foot petal, very helpful. Good Luck - I'll get a pic of one of mine and put on to show....
LCRT those are amazing. Will you come paint my toe nails like that?

Seriously, who's the artist, you or DW? You guys hand painted those?

Do you share them with all the people in your Bible study class?
Wow, LCRT! Those are amazing!

(I was going to mention an art project I did in kindergarten that involved "painting" with Elmer's glue and crushed colored egg shells, but it doesn't even touch LCRT's eggs!
They are not painted PC. Polymer clay is a plastic type of clay that can be baked in a home oven to harden. I make canes from the clay & apply thin slices to the eggs, Bake them, sand them, buff them & apply a coat of wax. You can find polymer clay at craft stores like Michael's.

I use the Sculpey brand, although others use Fimo.



Info on making the canes here...
Polymer Clay huh?

What I've envisioned from your description and the pics is that you create long, layered "ropes" of different colors. Then you cut the ends off in thin slices making "discs" and attaching them to the egg shell very close together so as to completely cover the shell. Then you bake to harden, sand, buff, and polish???

I'm liking this idea! Sounds awesome!

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