Egg bound hen- What is your miracle?

I just got home and went to check on my hen and there are several puddles of blood and poop. :( That can't be a good thing. I am hoping it is just residual blood and KY/olive oil. I put some vitamins in her water to insure she doesn't get anemic.....or at least I am hoping.
You still need to get her calcium intake up to help prevent her from having that happen again. I have one that I have to feed crushed egg shells to. She doesn't absorb it as well as the others evidently and she will either become egg bound or will have thinner egg shells until there is no shell.
That was one of the first things I did once I got her settled in after the egg was out. She looked like she ingested some based on the amount that is left in her food. Just went out and checked on her again and she had a runny poo that didn't have as much blood in least that one didn't anyway. Poor girl. I hope she makes it thru the night.

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