Egg bound or sick?? HELP


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2017

We have had this hen for 2 weeks , we bought her from a chicken farm with not so great conditions. Anyhow the day after we got her she did lay one egg but hasn't since. I just figured from stress from the move and what have you. She has been kinda laying "sideways" if that makes sense. We had her out in a temporary pen and noticed her mouth opening a lot. Didn't know if she was just too warm or if she really is egg bound. Then I noticed her comb is droopy and kinda pale as you can see if picture
Can someone please advise??
If she is egg bound...

Place her whole body in a bucket/bowl of warm water,
it might work the egg through.

I really hope she will be okay!

I hope this advice helps.

-The Angry Hen

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