Egg bound or?

You can also use a syringe (without a needle of course) to lube up her vent with olive oil. Just pull a little bit of olive oil up in the syringe and then very gently insert the tip only of the syringe just into the vent and very slowly and very gently inject some oil into the vent. Just be very gentle. This also works like an enema if there is poop, so be aware of that. This was suggested to me whenever I had a bantam pullet that I thought was egg bound but she was actually sick. (I'm saying this so you'll know that it's something that was suggested by a very knowledgeable and experienced member here on BYC)

How long has it been since you felt for an egg?
like an hour ago... I did put a little olive oil and then vaselin in her vent and that is when the whitish fluid came out. no poop though. I can try again
ok thank you. I just gave her 400 mg CaCi.... and I will do a soak soon again. Does it sound like eggbinding to you; laying down, will not use legs, wings spread, contracting continuosly....while alert and good looking?
Is she puffed up looking/hanging out in the nesting box? When did she lay last? The lack of poop and pulsating vent is what's leading my suspicion
It's after 1 in the morning here on the east coast of the US. I'm going to tag some of our amazing experts. I know a lot of folks in the US will be sleeping, but some are awake or will be awake soon. I would love for one of them to help. I worry that I'm missing something.

@azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @Overo Mare @aart @LaFleche @JacinLarkwell

I tagged a few of our amazing wonderful experts. There are so many incredible folks here
It's after 1 in the morning here on the east coast of the US. I'm going to tag some of our amazing experts. I know a lot of folks in the US will be sleeping, but some are awake or will be awake soon. I would love for one of them to help. I worry that I'm missing something.

@azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @Overo Mare @aart @LaFleche @JacinLarkwell

I tagged a few of our amazing wonderful experts. There are so many incredible folks here
how nice of you! Thank you! Any help is appreciated and I'm about to give her a warm epson bath. Get some sleep!
Thank you!
One of our RIR is not standing up and keep contracting... I gave her a warm bath and she relaxed. She does not eat or drink and keeps pushing. I gave her water with Ca in syringe. I also did a gentle exam but did not feel an egg. Her abdomen is distended and big and she keeps pushing. She is in a warm cozy place by herself (on a hot water bottle) but I'm not sure what else to do. Any suggestions are so welcome!
Hi @petrab1 , and welcome to BYC :frow

How old is you sick RIR and when did she last lay an egg?

How does her swollen abdomen feel, is it rather hard or wobbly like fluid filled?
What exactly can you feel while gently sampling the abdominal area especially between her legs and underneath the vent?
A big and distended abdomen leads me to believe that she is suffering from severe issues of her reproductive system such as internal laying and/or egg yolk peritonitis with ascites.

Could you post some pictures, so we might be able to better assess how to help her?

After the warm epsom bath, was she able to poop?

As @HeatherKellyB already suggested, the warm epsom bath and additional calcium should help to push an egg out, in case there was a stuck egg in the oviduct.

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