Egg bound or?

It does sound like she could be egg bound or have a mass of egg material inside her abdomen, pressing on her sciatic nerves. Since you didn’t feel an egg, I would lean more toward egg yolk peritonitis. I would try getting her to eat and drink. Make her comfortable and keep her separated.
I'm afraid I'm not much hwlp. The one egg bound hen I had solved the issue herself.

I do know some people give their gals tums for theextra calcium that helps solve the issue sometimes. Have you actually seem the egg she's trying to get out?
Hi @petrab1 , and welcome to BYC :frow

How old is you sick RIR and when did she last lay an egg?

How does her swollen abdomen feel, is it rather hard or wobbly like fluid filled?
What exactly can you feel while gently sampling the abdominal area especially between her legs and underneath the vent?
A big and distended abdomen leads me to believe that she is suffering from severe issues of her reproductive system such as internal laying and/or egg yolk peritonitis with ascites.

Could you post some pictures, so we might be able to better assess how to help her?

After the warm epsom bath, was she able to poop?

As @HeatherKellyB already suggested, the warm epsom bath and additional calcium should help to push an egg out, in case there was a stuck egg in the oviduct.
Thank you. Well same now in the morning here. She seems alert. Been giving her water w Ca. Abdomen feels fluid. Some whitish liquid came out in bath - could be poop. Underneath vent is distended too. Her vent is sensitive to touch but with jel I could feel inside. I can not feel an egg. Maybe vet this morning?
It does sound like she could be egg bound or have a mass of egg material inside her abdomen, pressing on her sciatic nerves. Since you didn’t feel an egg, I would lean more toward egg yolk peritonitis. I would try getting her to eat and drink. Make her comfortable and keep her separated.
ok. Thank you. She will not eat.
I would agree that a vet might be helpful if they are familiar with treating chickens. White in the droppings is usually uric acid or urates, which is kidney waste. Those may be increased with dehydration. Clear gelatinous discharge could be egg albumen.
Thank you. Well same now in the morning here. She seems alert. Been giving her water w Ca. Abdomen feels fluid. Some whitish liquid came out in bath - could be poop. Underneath vent is distended too. Her vent is sensitive to touch but with jel I could feel inside. I can not feel an egg. Maybe vet this morning?
That does not sound good, and if you have an avian vet at hand, that would be the route to go.

How old is she?

Although with this condition, I am afraid that despite treatment there is little hope for her to survive much longer.
You won't be able to feel a stuck egg most of the time, mostly because most stuck eggs are shell-less. Be aware that there may be two eggs involved.

It's common to see watery white discharge from the vent when there's a stuck egg(s). This is because the blockage prevents the secum from distributing fluids into the tissues and it gets disharged instead through the vent. This causes dehydration, making the situation worse. So encourage her to drink water. Continue to give calcium. This will help with contractions to expel the egg.

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