Egg bound, passed egg still seems in pain


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
Central Ohio
My year plus old hen is normally fine but yesterday began showing signs of being egg bound. I cleared her vent, gave her a 5 minute warm soak. The held her on my lap wrapped in a towel for another 30'minutes. I put her in her nesting box & she this morning there was a soft shelled egg in the nest ( eaten) but there. Today she still is not acting right. She also has diarrhea. Not sure what to next. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? I have two other hens. Should a quarantine her?
Give her a human calcium pill now! I've had them lay two eggs like that on the same day...if she has another egg, the calcium will help her push it out. FWIW, I give my chickens 500mg and the huge turkeys get 2000mg.
Thank you. I don't think I have that but I guess I'll make trip in town. She seems better this afternoon. But just in case I'll try. Would the diarrhea be related?
Thank you. I don't think I have that but I guess I'll make trip in town. She seems better this afternoon. But just in case I'll try. Would the diarrhea be related?

Yes, another egg could be blocking her and allowing just liquid to pass.

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