Egg bound question

So today she isn’t as lethargic. She is drinking. No egg has passed but I can feel it from the outside like below her vent like her “fluff butt” area. I have her inside by herself in a tote. I offered crushed egg shells and scrambled eggs but she hasn’t touched it. She is able to poop at least a little. I put a little olive oil on her vent... honestly just trying anything to help. I’m at work today hoping she can get the egg out before I get home. I am in a Newcastle quarantine area so taking her to the vet is out of the question. We have had several shell less eggs laid in our coop but we were unsure if she was the one laying them. Thank you everyone for the advice.

Oh and she is 10 months old!

I hope passes the egg for you too! I never thought keeping chickens could be so stressful. :confused:
So today she isn’t as lethargic. She is drinking. No egg has passed but I can feel it from the outside like below her vent like her “fluff butt” area. I have her inside by herself in a tote. I offered crushed egg shells and scrambled eggs but she hasn’t touched it. She is able to poop at least a little. I put a little olive oil on her vent... honestly just trying anything to help. I’m at work today hoping she can get the egg out before I get home. I am in a Newcastle quarantine area so taking her to the vet is out of the question. We have had several shell less eggs laid in our coop but we were unsure if she was the one laying them. Thank you everyone for the advice.

Oh and she is 10 months old!

She has passed away :hit now to explain it to my 4 yr old.
At least she was in a warm quiet environment when she passed.
We bought another chicken 2 days ago thinking this was going to happen and to make sure our other chook had company. Now we have to get them to get along.
Oh and the new one has already jumped the fence :barnie
I'm so sorry to hear you lost her :hugs

If you were able to feel it on the outside under the vent, she probably was laying internally but unfortunately the only way to know for sure would through necropsy.
You state lab can do that for you or if you are up to it, do one yourself. That's not something everyone can do and it's understandable if you have a child, you may want to just bury her.

I hope you find your newbie that jumped the fence.

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