Egg bound relieved//still not right


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2016
My Buff has finally laid her egg that was stuck, but has gone back into the nesting box. There was only one egg according to the x-ray. Any ideas why she would be doing this? I am deeply concerned. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
How long has it been since she passed the egg and for how long was she bound? It is quite likely she is merely seeking a quiet, safe place to recover - the nest box provides that. Any time you are concerned about a bird it can be helpful to set up a hospital unit in a place where they can be easily monitored -- ie in the house -- a small area that can be set up where they have calm, quiet, dimly lit space in which to rest and recover -- the isolation also makes it easier to monitor food/water intake and the output of waste, which are important to assess when concerned about their health.
She passed it earlier today and was bound since yesterday. She seems content for tonight. She was quite a bit more relaxed since everyone went to bed for the night. She has been eating good and I have been putting electrolytes in her water. The vet gave her a shot of calcium and some pain meds. You think I should bring her back inside in the morning if she doesn't come out with the other girls? I want to do what's best for her.
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