Egg bound?


May 7, 2017
I have an older hen. I really don't know how old. She was on the coop floor this am and after checking her I determined no broken legs or thigh,after checking on line and this site I think she may be egg bound. I have done the vent check and feel nothing although she still dose a slight pump with her rearand has a distended abdomin . No intreste in food , I have given her some broken tumms and water, she is standing although she still has a hard time walking . Any thoughts?
You could try helping her if you think she's eggbound (not a pleasant experience for either of you).
Another thing it could be, that my hens are having trouble with, their bladder is filling up with pee. Me and my mom take a syringe and poke the bulge and pull out the pee. I don't suggest this unless you are for sure it's pee

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