Egg bound??

Looks like there may be some blood on the membrane back in post#2 which was Friday.
This is first time you've noticed a blood clot ?

I'd work on giving the Calcium daily for a few days to see if she's able to expel more shell material, a membrane or an egg.
She still seems like she’s trying to push something out
Looks like there may be some blood on the membrane back in post#2 which was Friday.
This is first time you've noticed a blood clot ?

I'd work on giving the Calcium daily for a few days to see if she's able to expel more shell material, a membrane or an egg.
Yes, first clot. I am still giving calcium daily I still have her inside. We did a warm bath last night (and a blow out lol she loves the hair dryer) looks like no clots this morning. I’ll give her a calcium tablet and release her to the flock to free range today and check on her this afternoon. If I find her huddled up again I’ll bring her back inside.
I’ve watched her today and she’s kinda pecked around but spent more time laying down. I’ve checked on her this afternoon and she’s laying on the coop floor. Should I bring her back in or just leave her be?
Lying down on its own isn't worrisome, but if she's lying there with eyes closed, it's a sign she's very sick. If her eyes are somewhere between bright and dull, she's on the hopeful side of being sick. So look at her eyes and see how you intuit things from that.
Okay she’s never eyes closed just laying down and chilling.
I’ll double check the bright or dull factor tomorrow.
The hen does NOT look good today. I found an egg on the coop floor and got excited but found her under the coop. I brought her in the coop to check her out (it’s raining and cold today) and she just looks horrible. What do I do?!
Her face looks pale and her comb looks purple. This was not the case before.
Sounds like liquid in her breathing and there is some clear liquid coming from her mouth.
I have not given the calcium today in fear of making things worse.
I have brought her inside to the kennel but she’s not even standing anymore.
@Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock
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It sounds like her organs are shutting down. Whatever her underlying issue is, it's getting worse, not better. This turn is not encouraging. If she has stopped drinking and eating and is sitting there with eyes shut, she is dying. I wish I had more things for you to try, but at this point, I doubt this will turn around.
It sounds like her organs are shutting down. Whatever her underlying issue is, it's getting worse, not better. This turn is not encouraging. If she has stopped drinking and eating and is sitting there with eyes shut, she is dying. I wish I had more things for you to try, but at this point, I doubt this will turn around.
Well this sucks ): I’ve never had a chicken just die for unknown reasons.

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