egg candler vs LED flashlight


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Burton, OH
Hi All! I have been using a tiny LED flashlight to candle my eggs. It's worked pretty good for both the brown and EE eggs but I'm about to get marans eggs (YAY!!) and wondered if I should pick up 'real' egg candler...any experts out there? are the candlers you can buy any brighter than an LED flashlight?
I would buy one but don't want to waste the money if they are just as bright as the flashlight I use now.
I believe the questioner indicates he would like to effectively candle dark shelled eggs. His question assumes the dark shelled eggs may require a more powerful light to effectively candle them. Even if your assertion is correct that some eggs may be so dark and thick as to be near impossible to effectively candle, why should he be advised to forget about the possibility of candling them? His eggs may in fact be quite candleable with a sufficiently powerful light. His question is a simple one but what you would do about it is not the answer to his question.

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