Egg candling confusion


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys! Today is day 15 of incubation, with two surviving eggs. I candled both today, and veins are present, with a noticeable dark mass in the egg, and plenty of twitching movements. ☺️ Both are a live and well, but egg 9 looks to be on day 15, were egg 6 looks to be farther along? The dark mass in the egg takes up a bit more of the egg, and is sitting closer to the air cell. Maybe he was in a hot spot? I know this isn't uncommon, but it makes me concerned about lockdown. Tell me what you think, photos are below. Thanks guys!
PS. Both eggs were place on the same day. The photos don't do much justice to veins, etc. Sorry for my absolutely expert photography lol! 😜
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I just candled again for the photos, and it they don't look quite as far apart as I thought. I am horrible at taking candling photos though, I can never get a good one lol!
The second candling made them look more similar then I thought, so now this is kinda just double checking.

Egg 6 above

Egg 9 above

Egg 6 does look a little further along, but not as much as I thought. What do you guys think?
One chick just ended up being bigger lol! they hatched on the same day, and Egg 6 did hatch first but everything wen't as planned. PB, who hatched from egg 6 is sadly deceased. 😔 A dog got to her, and she was gone before I could do anything.
Jay is doing well though, a 6 week old Cockerel and has integrated nicely with the other bantam chicks.
I now have 15 Serama eggs on day 7 of incubation. 7 of which are in my bator, 8 of which are under my broody. The 8 seem to be looking a lot better then my 7, so we'll see how that goes. Thanks for checking in! :D
That's so exciting! My mom and I gave her broody duck fertile eggs off Craigslist. One of your pictures reminded me of how hers look when candles so I was hoping to hear some survival because I'm anxiously waiting 😅 have you been doing this awhile or just beginning?
That's so exciting! My mom and I gave her broody duck fertile eggs off Craigslist. One of your pictures reminded me of how hers look when candles so I was hoping to hear some survival because I'm anxiously waiting 😅 have you been doing this awhile or just beginning?
I've done 4 clutches in the incubator so far. My first 2 clutches I got 0 to hatch haha, likely because of shipping and the quality of the eggs. My 3rd clutch, (the one candled in this thread) I got 2 survivors out of 9 set eggs. Oddly, 7 eggs quit on day 6. 🤷‍♀️
Now the clutch of 15 I have, (8 under broody, 7 in bator) I have 1 surviving in the bator, and 7 surviving under broody.
I hope your hatch goes well! Broody ducks seem to do a really good job. What breed is she? My Mallard got 10/11 set eggs this year, and 3/4, last year. (Or a full clutch if you don't count the Easter Egg she was incubating, which sadly didn't hatch 🤣). Broody's seem to do really good.
Keep me posted on how it goes, I'm interested to see what you get. Good luck!
I've done 4 clutches in the incubator so far. My first 2 clutches I got 0 to hatch haha, likely because of shipping and the quality of the eggs. My 3rd clutch, (the one candled in this thread) I got 2 survivors out of 9 set eggs. Oddly, 7 eggs quit on day 6. 🤷‍♀️
Now the clutch of 15 I have, (8 under broody, 7 in bator) I have 1 surviving in the bator, and 7 surviving under broody.
I hope your hatch goes well! Broody ducks seem to do a really good job. What breed is she? My Mallard got 10/11 set eggs this year, and 3/4, last year. (Or a full clutch if you don't count the Easter Egg she was incubating, which sadly didn't hatch 🤣). Broody's seem to do really good.
Keep me posted on how it goes, I'm interested to see what you get. Good luck!
This is our first time, by accident 😅 we were trying to get our hens broody because [at the time] she had a rooster and we were hoping to get 1 clutch from the chicks I raised a year but one of the ducks (a cayuga) got the memo instead. She sat on chicken eggs for 4 weeks but they never hatched. Which may have been a good thing because I learned after that ducks dont make good chicken mothers.

So then I was conflicted and instead of my mom breaking her, I went and got 4 fertile muscovy eggs from craigslist. Told they should hatch any day... a week later there is still no sign of ducklings. 2 ended up not developed and 2 its difficult to tell. Hoping to get a better picture tonight.

Ughhh we are so anxious and I feel bad that the duck has been broody for so long, I worry about her nutritional intake.
Do you see any veining or movement?
The guy told you they should hatch any day? Does that mean they were already being incubated when you bought them? Was this duck separated from the others, or did the drake and other hens have access to her nest?
I dont think the lighting was done good enough to see veins so gonna try again tonight.

I'm not sure what their situation was but apparently theirs havent hatched either. Supposedly the eggs were under another duck.

Just hoping for the best 😅

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