Egg Eating


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 31, 2012
I know this question has been asked before:
The last 4-5 eggs laid have been eaten by my chickens. I don't know which one(s) is/are the guilty one since I have 3 chickens. I don't have the time to stand around to catch the culprit and if I did I probably wouldn't. I've read that the eat them when stressed. Well, what constitutes stress, esp. among my chickens. Not much has changed since I got them 7 months ago. I've read that FORCO chicken feed supplement will work. Not easy to find in my area (San Mateo, CA) and when inquired, the response was "I doubt it". Any other suggestions or insight is well appreciated. I know they don't lay much in winter months so the few I get are like gold.
Are you sure it is the chickens? I found my cocker spaniel in the chicken coop one day and finally figured out where the eggs were going!
Are you sure it is the chickens? I found my cocker spaniel in the chicken coop one day and finally figured out where the eggs were going!

Had the same issue with my retriever ... Couldn't figure out why all of a sudden I wasn't getting eggs, went out one day and found shells and was ready to cull the whole lot...Next day happened to be standing at the kitchen window and saw him jump the fence, watched him and he went strait to the coop and came out all the hens stood around and when he went back in the hens attacked whatever was on the ground, ran out and caught him dead to rights with an egg in his mouth.. He would break them, slurp up all that eggy goodness and leave the shells for the Hens
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I am glad I am not the only one!! At least my dogs get along with the chickens. I have mastiff also
The shell is the only thing that's eaten; yoke and whites (?) in a puddle. I don't have a dog but a few wild squirrels have been around for a longer time then the chickens. I doubt they are slipping through the 1" chicken wire and they are not the hole boring type.
Any other suggestions?

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