Egg Freshness

Do a search on this site. You'll find lots of info and opinions on this matter. I check for eggs at least twice a day and immediately place them in the refrigerator. I DO NOT wash them - if the bloom keeps on them, it will protect the insides much better. Some here leave their eggs on their kitchen counters, I think, for up to 2 weeks. I just like the idea of refrigerating asap to keep the freshness locked in.

Check out Mother Earth News website - they have an article somewhere that talks about how long eggs will last under various conditions.
They last quite a while. Like VB said I collect at least twice a day. It isn't a must but I enjoy visiting the coop and will look for any excuse to stop what I am doing and go out there!!

In the winter I keep a dozen or so on the counter in a basket. They get used within a few days so I am not sure how long they would last. I have never had any go bad in the fridge or on the counter. I refrigerate them at the end of the day in this heat.

I also do not wash mine. If they are really bad and have to be washed they go in the refrigerator in a special container that my family knows means eat first!!
I'm in hot, hot SC. I was on vacation for a week and had someone feed my birds; however, they did not collect eggs. I found 40 eggs that had been outside for 1-8 days. So far none have been bad. I'm breaking them in a separate bowl before I mix them together as a precaution.

I also ALWAYS wash my eggs before I put them in the fridge. I use antibacterial dish detergent, I'm really nervous about salmonella.
Wow! Well that's nice to know. If you can't collect for a weekend, they should be fine! We like to camp for 2/3 days and I always worry about the eggs. Now I won't so much. It is smart to crack them in a separate dish like you said. My grandma taught me that when I was very young.
Agree on the weekend but I can't help but wonder if you leave them in there and you get a few, are some ones more likely to break when they are laid or are the hens more likely to step on one and thereby maybe teach some to be egg eaters? Jury still out for me there.
In the fridge months. On the counter in ac or not really hot weather weeks to months. Outside when it's over 90 I wouldn't let them go more than a day before feeding them to the pets or back to the chickens instead.

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