Egg hatching in my bra - advice on when/if to assist!

Chick is nearly out!!!!!!
omg you did it
It's out!!!!

I took it out my bra for the final push and it hatched on a towel in my lap. It's tweeting away and trying to get up. Looks strong and healthy. Can't believe it. Amazing
It's out!!!!

I took it out my bra for the final push and it hatched on a towel in my lap. It's tweeting away and trying to get up. Looks strong and healthy. Can't believe it. Amazing
I hope it's a girl have you thought of a name yet ?
I don't usually name my chickens in case we have eat them, but i might make an exception for this little one!
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As soon as it's up running about. In a day or 2. I'v made a sling from a scarf and i'v got it in that just now
That's so awesome! Congrats!

Once I found my bator got accidentally unplugged and it was only 80 in there! The babies were in there cold and not looking so hot. I had one egg left, so I stuck it in my bra while I put the cold babies in a basket under a heat lamp. Once the bator was warmed back up, I put the egg back in. Turns out he hatched into the most aggressive little cockerel ever! It was even better because his egg was layed a day after the rest were set so I just threw it in. To this day I joke that I shoulda not set his egg and just ate it. I sold him for 2.50 at a swap meet.

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