Egg Identification??!!


9 Years
Dec 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Can you think of any common (not rare breeds or anything, since I got it from a rancher who doesn't show the chickens or anything--just for eating) Bantams that lay white eggs? Cause, I have one, and I think its a bantam. It's small, solid white, and its name is E. Egg e. It could especially think its a bantam because its hatching early (its wiggling and shaking and its only day 18)

Are bantams generally good birds to have as pets? Arr they more tempermental or more shy than other chickens?

Another one of my eggs is really long. The width is normal, just the length is huge, and I know it's not a double yolker, because I candled it. It is a solid light brown/beige and is named 7. Does anyone have any guesses as to what 7 might be? (I have lots of beige eggs, but none as as big as this fella)

And yet ANOTHER one of my eggs COMPLETELY throws me off... It's dark brown with brown/black speckles all over it. It is medium sized, and is so dark, I couldn't see anything in it until day 14. that's when I was sure it was fertile. I've never heard of a speckled chicken egg before...

I'm so sorry to be bothering all of you, but I am anxious to know! I'm new to this, and I've never raised--or even so much as touched a chicken before (except to eat it )

Thank You!
I just got an assortment of eggs and the one labeled welsummer was darkish brown with darker spots
ummm, I can't...because I didn't technically get them from him.
I asked him for eggs, and he said he knew a friend, so he got some for me...
I have NO idea...
I have a Spangled Old English Game Bantam and she lays small white eggs. She is also quite friendly and talkative. There are many bantam breeds that make good pets.

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