Egg incubating fiasco - advice please! *New Pictures!*

Edit: How weird, you must have posted that as I was writing this!

Okay, we have a couple of developments!

Yesterday I noticed the lamp seemed to be creating a candling effect when I looked at the shadow it casted on the egg and I could see some movement within the egg! That at least reassured me that it was still alive.

Then more importantly, about an hour ago I heard the first peeping!
Since then I heard it about 3 more times, but nothing in around the past half an hour... Hope it's okay, I'm a bit worried the air cell is too small. If it's small, will they pip earlier to get more air or will they suffocate? I still haven't seen any movement of the whole egg itself, but I am a bit more hopeful now. Don't want to be too optimistic and then be let down but fingers crossed
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lol I have good timing I guess. Glad to hear that there is some movement and some noise. I am not sure about them pipping earlier to get more air. I know that sometimes you do have to help them out of the egg but that is only it they have externaly pipped and it has been over 24 hours and are struggling to get out.

Good luck and keep us posted.
More developments! I've been hearing more peeping and a couple of minutes ago I saw the egg move!
Now for a real's the green egg - the one that was laid on the 14th! Not the 13th like I thought. I only know this because I candled while changing the towels to see if I could see a beak in the air cell of #13 (I call it number 13, but it's not the 13th egg, it was laid on the 13th June) but couldn't see anything. When I had a look at #14, I saw a beak and movement! Now the annoying thing is that here in the UK it is currently 3:07am, I need to sleep! I'm sure there won't be a huge difference when I wake up, but still, if there is it'll be annoying! I'm really routing for this little duckie, I really hope it makes it
YAY blessings with the hatch! Oh it's sooooo exciting, I so remember those wonderful sleepless nights, just sitting up watching the incubator!

Can't wait to see pics if they make it out
Thank you
Haha isn't watching them awfully addictive!? I'm going to be exhausted by the end of this
Nothing new this morning, heard a peep a while ago, hope it's okay
Maybe the other one will show some developments today...
I never sleep during lockdown. I'll go to bed but I can't stay there. Every hour or two I wake up and rush in to see what's new. I've hatched dozens of times, and it's still the same every time. Now I plan for sleep deprivation.
Caught your story and had to read it all. You have done a great job!!!
Don't be too disapointed if #13 doesn't make it. Under the best conditions there are always some that just don't.

Good luck!!!!

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