Egg incubating fiasco - advice please! *New Pictures!*

P.S I love the choice of cuddly toy
Thanks everyone!
And yes, I thought I'd make the cuddly toy appropriate

Update on #13, it's been working on it overnight and has made some progress! With any luck it'll be out later today! Unfortunately I'm working today and will be out of the house from 8am-4ish so I may miss it! Good luck #13
No signs of anything from the other two yet.
#13 is out! Happened while I was out unfortunately. It's darker than the other one and seems very quiet and sleepy whereas the other was a bit more lively by this point, should I be worried? We have also noticed a piece of shell off of #16 but haven't seen any movement...
congradulations on the little duckling!!! I have a muscovy duck just hatching her eggs. The first one was pipped though and one of the other rouen ducks got in there(the one rouen an awful mother she'll hatch a couple but she won't take care of them) and anyway she got in there when the mom was off the nest and ate the shell off of the egg before it was done hatching and absobing it's yolk!! It's still alive this morning but it's really weak and won't open it's eyes:(. Last time I checked 2 more where going to hatch and i blocked her nest off so the other ducks can't get at her. It's funny i've got one rouen duck thats a really good mom and the other is so bad!
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I went out there this morning and checked and there was another one that had its shell eaten off and it was dead. I took her eggs out leaving her the one week duckling and throwing some rouen eggs under her and put them in the incubator. Ones pipped and 3or4 have punctured the air sack. there are 2 eggs that are a little bit less developed that I put under her later and a few i'm not sure about. I guess i'll just have to start taking there eggs away at day 27 and putting them in the incubator giving the moms fake eggs and giving the moms the babies back after they hatch. O well it's funner that way anyway.
They all come at their own pace and different levels of activity. Some are very vigorous, some take a while to get started, and everything in between. Sorta like human babies.

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