egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

sounds good! i'm glad that Rosie is doing better
if she reacts fine and acts normal and there is no picking then you might be able to just leave her with the others
what breed of chicken is Rosie?
-Little Creek Farm

rosey is a buff orpington. she will still have to come in cause she limited to 4-6 hrs a light a day.
Someone mentioned watching for vent gleet. You can give her a bit of yogurt to help prevent that. I lost one to vent gleet although she had some other issues but it started with vent gleet. It is a sickly sweet smelling discharge from her vent that is very sticky. You would do well to prevent it rather than take a chance on her getting it.
I think she will be in Chickie heaven to be back out in the coop with her friends
She won't even notice the chilly air!
i know she will. this is hard keeping a outside pet cooped up. i told my husband when we started to build the chicken set up that i did not want a small one i wanted a big one so when they had to be in it. and thats what we did. even though they free range most the time. i still wanted them to have a big pen so when they did have to be in it. i dont know its measures i plan to measure it soon.
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

sounds good! i'm glad that Rosie is doing better
if she reacts fine and acts normal and there is no picking then you might be able to just leave her with the others
what breed of chicken is Rosie?
-Little Creek Farm

rosey is a buff orpington. she will still have to come in cause she limited to 4-6 hrs a light a day.​

aww I have 3 BO and I love them...... I see why you want the best for her
I have been keeping track of you and Rosies struggles to get her through and healthy again. I just wanted to let you know that I think your doing great

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