Because it's been merged with this one, meant before that.
Oh yeah, about the leghorn?? I did see those responses, they were very helpful. She’s all better and laying again :) I definitely think I screwed up using the artificial light, and I hope I don’t lose my BR because of it.
Hello all. Recently I posted about a leghorn I had who was exhibiting signs of being egg bound, and was laying soft shelled eggs. After an epsom salt bath and some calcium, she was laying eggs again and is back to her usual self. Another one of my chickens, a BR, is now seeming quite bound up. She has a very large and ROCK HARD abdomen, and I’m almost certain I can feel(at least) one egg inside. I had a heat lamp in there because it has been so damn cold here, and I’m thinking that has to be the cause for the laying issues in both my girls. The BR seems okay physically.. I gave her an epsom salt bath last night and kept her inside so she didn’t get too cold… but I woke up in the morning to discover not only have no eggs been passed, but as I was massaging her abdomen for a minute, I looked at my hands and I was COVERED in chicken mites. I’ve never encountered them before, and I’m just at a loss. I’m not sure what to do about this poor egg bound(???) hen, and now I have to worry about ALL of my girls succumbing to mites. Please, any tips would be greatly appreciated. How I can help my BR, and what to do about these awful mites…
get Food grade diatomaceous Earth sprinkle freely on the birds, or put in a low box for them to bathe in and sprinkle in the coop and run will get rid of the mites super fast,

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