Egg pricing for profit


Feb 10, 2022
Hello, my little egg business is taking off; everything is sold to a few local stores; I raised my wholesale prices to $4.50/doz for chicken eggs, $6/doz for duck eggs, and $3/doz for quail eggs. Customers did not flinch even with the new retail prices ($5.50 / $8 / $4). The revenue is enough to cover their grain cost and some gas for deliveries. Still not covering the cost of my labor or utilities. I mean, with such a big demand for 'farm fresh' and so few suppliers, one would think this would be very profitable. Any ideas how to make this business profitable, if possible?
I do have several specialty breed chicken mating pairs (including Icelandic chickens, and fly-tie (genetic hackle) chickens), but no separate pens for them. I'd have to invest some time and materials into building separate pens in order to sell their hatching eggs or chicks.


If you want to get paid directly with the price the supermarket ask, you probably need to sell them yourself.
Where I live small scale farmers who sell eggs at the farm often have a vending machine for eggs where people can buy eggs at the entrance of their property. Some farmers sell fruits and veggies too this way.

Other income can be from hatchery eggs. Hatchery eggs from popular breeds are worth around $1.50 - $2 each where I live. And I believe the prices are higher in the US.
What kind of profit are you looking for? Do you make your own chicken food? I sell my eggs to my neighbour for $3 a dozen and it costs me $1 per dozen in food during the summer and $2 a dozen in the winter. And that is with buying the food not making it. You could diversify and sell hatching eggs during the spring or sell chicks in the spring.

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