Egg production dropped sharply why?


Jan 14, 2016
Venus, Florida. 33960
Currently we have 24 laying hens we have a mix of breeds Rhode Island Reds black Australorp buff orpington Barred Rock and a few sex links that were bred by my rooster. In the beginning of Spring when they first started laying eggs we were getting over a dozen-and-a-half eggs Daily now it's a struggle to get a full dozen out of 24 birds that just doesn't sound right at all now we did restrict how much of the yard they can destroy at one time buy fencing them off in the back quarter. Still plenty of room they can get away from each other and you're not making your whole yard and anti-tank trap. But that was weeks ago well at least two weeks ago before they were laying eggs all over the place and it was an Easter egg hunt to try and find the damn things cuz it wouldn't necessarily go back to the coop to lay their eggs now they have no choice but to lay their eggs in the coop and they don't seem to like that at all too much change too quick I don't know any ideas anything that I can do to increase production I greatly appreciate
They will stop laying when stressed, they will resume when they get used to their new situation. They will also slow down in laying when temperatures climb.
Currently we have 24 laying hens we have a mix of breeds Rhode Island Reds black Australorp buff orpington Barred Rock and a few sex links that were bred by my rooster. In the beginning of Spring when they first started laying eggs we were getting over a dozen-and-a-half eggs Daily now it's a struggle to get a full dozen out of 24 birds that just doesn't sound right at all now we did restrict how much of the yard they can destroy at one time buy fencing them off in the back quarter. Still plenty of room they can get away from each other and you're not making your whole yard and anti-tank trap. But that was weeks ago well at least two weeks ago before they were laying eggs all over the place and it was an Easter egg hunt to try and find the damn things cuz it wouldn't necessarily go back to the coop to lay their eggs now they have no choice but to lay their eggs in the coop and they don't seem to like that at all too much change too quick I don't know any ideas anything that I can do to increase production I greatly appreciate
Give them the following in the coop: TV with animal planet to watch, air conditioning, laptop with WIFI, and a meal worm auto feeder! That might do the trick

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