Egg selling idea


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 4, 2008
I have 23 hens at home and we do not eat that many eggs. So I placed and ad on Craigslist. And started selling a few. But, not near enough, I was slowly getting more eggs than I could sell. So I started giving people .25cents off each dz. if they would bring me an emply carton. It has made a big difference. Now I have more customers than eggs. Just thought I would share how it worked out for me. Let me know if you have the same sucsess.
good ideal i might do that when spring hits lol
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What do you charge for them? I was charging $2.00 and could not sell them. I am down to $1.75. I put mine on Craigslist but it didn't help. Maybe I will try the .25 cents off.
I sell mine for $1.50 a doz but I sell several doz to several markets. I do sterilize my eggs and refrigerate them, because of the sale laws.
JohnG, I'm curious, how much were you asking for the eggs in the first place? And do you think that 25 cent discount really made a difference for your customers? Or was it just the idea of getting something for "less"?

There have been other discussions about egg selling here, with lots of differing opinions & circumstances throughout the country. Some folks are able to collect more for their eggs than others, and some folks are satisfied with collecting less.

For me, I have been trying, with some success, to find a limited number of customers who realize the value of truly fresh eggs, that are laid by hens being raised in conditions few other laying hens ever enjoy. I don't try to compete with the store prices, or try to lure bargain-hunters. My best advertising comes by word of mouth from my customers. And if I can at least cover the chickens' feed bills each week from egg sales, then I'm satisfied.

Right now I am offering to deliver eggs to most locations in my town, for $4 a dozen. If they came to my gate I'd take $3, but really, I'd rather not have a lot of folks I don't know well coming to my place. I really want to find some folks who would like to buy my ducks' eggs, for egg dishes & for baking, I've heard they can be sold for much more. We love them here, they're delicious & worth the extra expense, I think.
Some people just click with a gimmick. People love taking action. Marketing jerks in suits call it "actionable items". It's a pretty cute connection tho, especially since going green is the new hip hop.
I probably used the wrong word. I sanitize my egg for sale to retail markets. This is a must under FDA which over sees the local food and health dept who conduct periodic inspections of retail markets.You can buy the egg soap and materials from most hatcheries or places that sell egg cartons and such. I also buy my egg cartons and put my farm's name on them. Many people do re-use egg cartons. I prefer not to. If the market that is selling your eggs, and they have not been sanitized, and a customer gets sick then the market can be sued as well as me as the egg supplier. Also the markets do get inspected from time to time to see if they are complying. It's a chance I'd rather not take. I think the eggs are perfectly ok when they aren't sanitized but my buyers prefer them to be so I do.
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