Egg size problem!


6 Years
Nov 1, 2013
Help! Why are our chickens laying small eggs! We have large brown egg layers, but we get small eggs! What's the problem? Could it be that we have a different breed from what we thought? Does diet really make a difference?
Hens who have just started laying will lay smaller eggs than more experienced hens. When our Australorp and Orpingtons started laying, they were laying "banty" sized eggs, but now that they've been laying for a few months, the eggs are more reasonably sized. Other hens that we have that have been laying for years lay extra-large eggs that we have to store in jumbo egg cartons.

If your hens are young and inexperienced, then you simply have a case of newbie layers. Their eggs will get bigger.
I laugh just thinking about the first egg we got!
The crazy girl layed it during a hurricane! And it was barely the size of a Barbie-Doll's head! But thankfully, the eggs have gotten WAY bigger. And I'm pretty sure yours will too, because I have all large brown egg-layers myself!
Shoot, I should have said: they were all born April 1! That is why I am worried...I would have thought they would be laying full sized eggs by now...
They were born April 1, and we feed them organic layer pellets and scratch, and give them oyster shells as well....
I wouldn't expect "full-sized" eggs until your hens have been laying consistently for a few months. You would actually have much more reason to be concerned if they were already laying big eggs. Like the above poster said, young hens laying big eggs run the risk of getting eggbound more than usual. Just be patient--your hens will get better at laying as they get older.

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