Egg Taste Challenge - Blind Taste Test

I agree with Mavrk about being influenced by the color of the yolk, but that being said my husband will not eat walmart eggs. I have blind tested him and he can tell every time. He said they just do not taste right. He likes store bought eggs from publix and always comments how good the eggs are when I serve Publix' eggs. He has not had the pleasure of fresh eggs from our flock because they have not started laying yet, but I think I will blind test him on those before I tell him it is from our flock

I have to disagree about being influenced by yolk color. I expected my yolks to be a darker color than the store bought eggs but mine were actually the lightest color of the 4 samples. Not an ugly pale color but still lighter.
The store bought eggs were probably fed something to make them look darker.
Yes, Marigold, paprika, and some sort of shrimp color enhancer are some things that seem to be fed in some countries nd companies to darken yolks. Cool results. Bet that made your day! :D
I wasn't sure how to describe the texture, but it was different from the others.
Hard boiled egg - it kinda fell apart into tiny granular pieces. Still soft pieces but not a rich texture.

I had to jump in here, my exact feelings on store eggs as well! Nobody in my house believes me. I can only eat my eggs in the over easy method because my yolks are creamy but whenever I had an over easy egg bought in a store, it tasted bland and almost chalky and grainy. GROSS!!!
Yes, Marigold, paprika, and some sort of shrimp color enhancer are some things that seem to be fed in some countries nd companies to darken yolks. Cool results. Bet that made your day!

I was certainly relieved that I didn't put my egg as last place - I was actually a bit concerned partly because the color had me confused. Normally when I eat my own eggs in an omelette or over-easy I think to myself the what a beautiful color the yolks are. My omelettes are always a rich golden colour - never had that before I had my own hens.

Yeah, I was a bit nervous this morning. Didn't want to end up with egg on my face.
I know about 5 people from work that will not eat farm fresh eggs. Even if you give them free.They say they are gross and nasty.I don't see how anyone can eat them. I have heard you say what farm chickens eat Mice or other dead things. They eat off the ground were they poop. I even heard you say they eat their own poop and other animal poop. So when I go to the store now I make sure my eggs were laid by caged chickens that eat only chicken food and I know they were not fertilized by some rooster. When I think about you guys eating fertilized eggs and the stuff they eat it almost makes me sick.
All I can say is to each their own. If you mention pigs to them with the things they eat. They say not store bought. OMG I give up on them.
those that think that "store bought" pigs are cleaner really need a lesson in pigs. We lived not to far from a production yard and I was amazed and a bit sickened at the "standard" practice. They are penned in a line and the first pig in line eats and wastes and the second gets the waste and on down the line....I DID stop buying pork and raised my own pigs after that 2 a year and they tasted vastly different from the "store" pork. I don't raise my pigs now so we mostly eat chicken and turkeys from our self sustaining flocks and eat a lot of fish and seafood that we catch. We do eat beef but it is raised on my BIL's farm.
I know about 5 people from work that will not eat farm fresh eggs. Even if you give them free.They say they are gross and nasty.I don't see how anyone can eat them. I have heard you say what farm chickens eat Mice or other dead things. They eat off the ground were they poop. I even heard you say they eat their own poop and other animal poop. So when I go to the store now I make sure my eggs were laid by caged chickens that eat only chicken food and I know they were not fertilized by some rooster. When I think about you guys eating fertilized eggs and the stuff they eat it almost makes me sick.
All I can say is to each their own. If you mention pigs to them with the things they eat. They say not store bought. OMG I give up on them.


We had some city friends come to visit us. I offered them a free chicken that were recently butchered for them to take home.
"Ewwwww - from that shack out back?!?!? Thanks but no thanks"

I should add that the "shack out back" is in better condition than some peoples homes. My chickens have great living conditions - not in the same league as those industrial poultry barns where they get their chickens from.
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