Egg wait anyone???

Isn't that funny. I hear that BA's are great layers, but I've not experienced that yet. Maybe good things are headed our way. A friend of mine says that it takes them longer to get going because they are dual purpose, but once they do, that they really produce. We'll see!
I have been playing Pavlov with them lately. When they squat, I pet them, swat their tails and say "lay an egg" as I pick them up and place them in a nesting box. After a week of this, all I have to do is say "lay an egg" and they squat, then run over to the box and look in while ruffling their feathers. Chickens are as smart as dogs sometimes.
Good thinking!
I tell my girls "Go lay an egg" all the time, but never thought to associate the nests with it! They have taken to the nests quite on their own, however, as I had hoped they would, even without your clever idea!!!

soccerbabiesmama, BA's are great layers! We get 5 or 6 a day from 6, 6 weeks from first egg. My girls are confined to an indoor coop, and get articial light, tho, so your mileage may vary.
Crossing fingers for you.
(Get buckabucka to send you good egg juju! Have seen it work, more than once!)

Bright Blessings!
Still no eggs, at 21 weeks here
But whenever I reach out to pet my BA, she gets realllllly tense and freezes
Could this means she might be getting closer?
Maybe someone can help me!!! I have a BA that finally just started laying! Consistant, but just started at about 29-30 weeks at lay. We also have 1 Bantam Splash Cochin who is 31 weeks, a standard EE who is 25 weeks, 2 Bantam EE's who are 23 and about 16 more hens between 8 and 20 weeks. NO EGGS from any others!! I am starting to lose patience with them. Everyday I go into the coop and hope to find a bantam egg.. But, nothing.. Does anyone think I may not get anything until spring or should they be laying, something, anything????? They are coop/run kept and are feed exclusively organic feed, organic veggies, grit and oyter shell. Am I doing something wrong. They will all sit and nest in boxes but no eggs except from the one. HELP???
I have a friend in Dallas whose bantams didn't lay their first egg until 8 months! She told me that it's normal to not get eggs until the 7th or 8th months. She seems pretty reliable - her hens always win at the fairs:)

Also, I've heard no to give oyster shell until they start laying and only if the shells are thin. I'd love to got other ipinions on this.

BTW - 1st egg yesterday, nothing today! BOOOOO!
One of my Partridge Rock hens gave me my first egg this afternoon. A nice medium size egg. She had been scratchin' around in the horse feeder most of the afternoon, so I had a suspicion.
They are right at 6 months old. Almost on the dot, give or take a few days. My barred rocks and RIRs are a month younger, so there will be more.
Haven't posted here but been following this thread for awhile. Mine just started three days ago. Two of them are laying out of 19. One I know for sure is a barred rock and the other I know for sure is one of the hatchlings. They have both laid two eggs a price now and it took at least 25 weeks. By far the longest I have had to wait for laying. Saw an earlier post about black stars, or black sex Links. They can lay quite early and their eggs are almost identical to the barred rocks being a deep brown color and sometimes speckled with whitish freckles. Well good luck all some take longer than others. Also wanted to add that I have a light and a timer in my chicken house. Goes on at about 530 and out when it gets light. Then view back on when starts getting dark till about 930 pm.
Wow! We had a batch of Bantams a few years ago, and I had one hen that laid around 20 weeks, and we ended up with 2 babies right off the bat. And, it was the dead of winter.. Must have just got lucky!! She was a good mama though. Thanks for the info. Going to put a timer on my light. Maybe that will help. I havent turned it on until lately because it was sooo hot here for so long. Maybe its time keep it going.
Thanks again

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