Egg wait anyone???

Egg wait going on here! Our flock will be 17 weeks at the end of this week, and I think a few of our Black Stars are getting close. I haven't seen any squatting yet, but somebody is checking out the nest boxes. The shavings have been stirred up in them and I found a plastic dummy egg on the coop floor after it had been knocked out. We're all ready for our first egg!
I will. I took some today, but the site isn't letting me upload them. I'll take them on an i phone tomorrow to see if I have better luck.
Ok, I spoke and recieved!!! That never happens! Especially with my kids:) Went out yesterday and there it was. But, not from the one I expected it from. Got 1 from my EE. Like a blue light shinning in my eyes when I walked in the door. I was soo excited. Had to call everyone. But I will still do the waiting game on my pretty little Bantam Splash. Thanks all for keeping my hopes up!!
Mine squatted for near 2 weeks like that prior to laying an egg.

Well, I wouldn't say she's squatting... she just freezes!
Today I heard the egg song! A very loud Kuk-kuk-kuk-kuh KAAAWWWWW!!! But when I went out there to see who was doing it they stopped
No eggs either. What could this mean?
Woo hoo! So happy that you got an egg! I'm only getting 1 egg a day (out of 4 hens) and that's just every other day. They also refuse to lay in their nesting box and instead lay in the deep litter! Sooooo yuck!

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