Egg white on hard boiled egg turned brown???

This is a browning reaction called Maillard browning. There is a small amount of carbohydrates in egg whites which are linked to the proteins. At high temperatures the carbohydrates react with amino acids in proteins to form the browning compounds. Its the same reaction that happens in baking to turn breads, cakes, cookies brown on top. Pressure cooking of eggs can result in browning as its easy to overcook them.
I just had this strange event happen to me too. I steam my eggs to make pealing them easier so they are not in water. Plus the other three eggs turned out perfect with only one egg having its white part looking like a milk chocolate color. The yolk was the same color as the other eggs. If due to high heat then why didn't all of them turn out alike? Plus if due to the heat then with the heat penetrating from the outside in, why would this darker color be the same throughout and not darker on the outside.These all came from the same carton and all the shells were brown and not the normal white color. I wonder if this can be traced back to the chicken and something she had eaten. I did eat part of this dark area and the taste and texture were the same as a normal egg. (Not milk chocolate though)
I find that steaming the eggs works best and I think by quickly cooling them down afterwards helps prevent that darker color around the outside of the yolk. Any other suggestions to stop that annoying colorization?
I just had this occur. I boiled 6 eggs and really let them cook too long. When I peeled then one of the 6 egg white was tan. The yolk looked fine and all the other eggs looked and tasted fine. I did throw out this one as it really looked odd. I a sure it was due to the over cooking but find it extremely odd why this just occurred on only the one egg.
I think it is most likely you have a hot spot on your burner. My cast iron skillets get hot spots from my electric range all the time, forcing me to rotate them until they get more evenly heated. The gas stove did the same whenever there was even the slightest breeze, as from a ceiling fan. Hope this answers your question.
I have a very interesting situation here. I will try to attach a picture for all to see. I would love an answer to this riddle.

I steamed my fresh eggs (two of the were still warm they were so fresh), a total of 28, for 12 minutes. Then I put them in icy water for 10 minutes and peeled. They were all beautiful. I made my brine of water, vinegar, and salt and canned both jars at the same time and gave them a 30 minute water bath, at the same time. Jars, lids and rings were all prepared the same way.

One jar looks lovely the other one is turning grey. Thoughts??


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I have recently cooked soft-boiled eggs, with just one having a caramel-coloured white when I opened it. It wasn't overcooking on this occasion. It smelt okay, but I didn't trust it to eat it.
You are all describing Korean boiled eggs. They are usually cooked at high heat for a longer time period in a rice steamer. You can make them in an instant pot by cooking for two hours with two cups of water and two teaspoons salt. They will all turn brown. They have a Smokey , nutty flavour, and are excellent! Don’t throw them out! Enjoy them, they are yummy!
I read on a different site; where this question was answered.... It is the 'pressure cooking' that turns the whites to a tan color.
Thanks! Not sure how old these posts are but I too just took out a dozen eggs to find them brown too. I too couldn’t get to them right away so they sat in the ninja Foodi through the entire self release. I’m gonna use them! 🤷‍♀️
I decided to make pickled eggs last night. Got the eggs hard boiled and started peeling...Much to my surprise the entire white of one of the eggs was a tan color (almost the exact shade of the shell.) I cut the egg open and the color went all the way through the white. The yolk looked fine. Anybody ever seen this happen? The eggs weren't right out of the coop- but they weren't older than a couple weeks. Refrigerated the entire time. Any ideas??
I just miqbiiked brown eggs fora homemade salad. When they were down and I peeled she'll off some if white was brown! Hey did u eat your eggs? But I have no idea of why and I've ate brown shelled eggs before and never seen this.Shouod I eat them??

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