Egg with almost no shell

Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Absolutely on whats been said above. Especially this time of year when they have less time to eat, hens need good nutrition. I would stick with layer feed only, keep the table scaps to a very low amount. Too easy to fill up on these and not get enough minerals to put a shell on.

Good luck and welcome to our roost! :)
I have been feeding table scraps and stale bread to stretch my chicken food Question yet: Why I have only one chicken laying thin shells. So thin that now I can squeeze the shell into wrinkles and shapes while egg is intact inside, Other chickens lay thick shells,. Since it is only one chicken I suspect something is different about this one chicken. I suppose like people some chicks are genetically different or have a number of strange problems. I would like to hear of other "strange" or different things with eggs.
I have been feeding table scraps and stale bread to stretch my chicken food Question yet: Why I have only one chicken laying thin shells. So thin that now I can squeeze the shell into wrinkles and shapes while egg is intact inside, Other chickens lay thick shells,. Since it is only one chicken I suspect something is different about this one chicken. I suppose like people some chicks are genetically different or have a number of strange problems. I would like to hear of other "strange" or different things with eggs.
It could very well be that she's at the bottom of the pecking order and last to eat or that her body just hadn't figured this out yet. The recommendations remain the same. Make oyster shell available free choice and back off the treats, especially bread and see if the problem is corrected. If her feed is not properly balanced it can impair her ability to absorb and use the calcium.
I have been feeding table scraps and stale bread to stretch my chicken food Question yet: Why I have only one chicken laying thin shells. So thin that now I can squeeze the shell into wrinkles and shapes while egg is intact inside, Other chickens lay thick shells,. Since it is only one chicken I suspect something is different about this one chicken. I suppose like people some chicks are genetically different or have a number of strange problems. I would like to hear of other "strange" or different things with eggs.

Provide oyster shell on the side. Also, don't feed table scraps or bread to "stretch" your food. Those things are not food. They are treats and should only encompass 10% of all feed. Laying birds need at least 18% maintenance feed, preferably 20% all flock feed; and oyster shell (calcium) on the side.
All of a sudden, 3 eggs this morning I have only 1 chicken with thin shells. , The others are thick shells. I have oyster shells out all of the time. Also throw a small shovel full or worms once a week. I grow my own worms in flower pots (with plants in them) with corn meal and another pot on top. In a couple weeks all the worms are under the smaller pot with the corn meal. Corn meal is what makes them grow fast and multiply. So it looks like more protein is my answer for now.
Sure is a lot of conflicting info out there about use of lights. In fact about everything!!!

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