Eggbound? Can you actually feel the egg?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 29, 2008

We are trying to determine if our hen is eggbound. She is putting her tail up and down, wobbling, lays down a lot, and is generally unsteady. We've googled eggbound and found many pictures and descriptions and followed some treatment methods (warm water bath, warm confinement etc..) but she is still acting the same.

This evening we gently lubed her vent and, (following advice we found on more than one website), inserted a finger up and into the oviduct trying to feel an egg but we could find nothing. There is a pronounced bulge in her bottom mid section between her legs (the broodpatch? No feathers..) but it just feels soft and fatty.

We also noticed some (apparent) parasites in a fresh stool sample she gave us which makes us wonder if they are a symptom or a cause. Little white wiggly things about 1/4" long.

We have six chickens, four of whom are currently laying. They are different enough that we can tell who lays what egg and we think she might actually be laying as there have been two unusually shaped/colored eggs in her spot over the last three days

So.... does anyone have an idea of what could be happening? Can you feel the hard shell inside an eggbound bird?

Thanks in advance!
I have had some egg bound issues. Twice out of four times I have been able to feel the egg...twice not. I would go ahead and worm her. I read on here recently where someone else had egg issues and also worms. I am wondering if they may be related sometimes??? I gave mine the warm water soaks and later during the night they passed the egg. Good luck!
Thank you Sharon. I'm still not sure if she is eggbound. The fact that she is walking around putting her tail down is the only reason I thought she was. But, now I am wondering if she's doing that just to help her keep her balance.

I have done several searches on this, but I am having such a hard time wading through all of it and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any other advice for me? She's been like this for almost a week and I am getting really nervous because I don't know what to do to help her.

I have given her yogurt and infant vitamins. My husband put ky jelly on her vent and inside. I gave her a warm bath. Anything else I should do?

Thank you,
Have you gone ahead and wormed her? If not, I would. I have a polish that gave me a problem recently. She doesn't lay very often (like maybe once a month or so) and I saw her not moving much and had her tail tucked. Just obviously did not feel well. I figured it was an egg issue so I soaked her. Then I felt one or two little creepy crawlies (mites) and so I put ivomec pour on on her. By that afternoon she was perked up and was out scratching with the I don't know for sure what her problem was but she was better. Two of the most common issues with chickens seems to be (from reading on here the last year) worms or lice/mites so you treat for them and rule them out.
Thanks, I did worm yesterday with Wazine. But, this morning she is still in the same shape. Yesterday I gave her another warm bath, wormed, gave vitamins, and yogurt. I just don't know what else to do. For about 15 minutes yesterday I held her in my lap. She was so alert and physically looks great. I just don't understand it, and I wish I knew what to do because she is just the sweetest little girl. She is the leader and all the others keep following her and hanging around. The whole community is messed up.
I am not sure worming gives instant results so I would keep up the extra nutrition and give her a couple days. You checked for mites/lice?
I don't see any mites or lice on her. Would you suggest that I tread her with Sevin if she did? I have some, but I don't want to over do it.

Thanks for your response, I am at a total loss right now. It's really sad.

I don't think I would treat her if you don't see any. I don't know what else to do. It would be nice to know if she is laying but if she isn't you are rather limited in what you can do without going to a vet...and even then it isn't always much help. I'm sorry.

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