Eggbound Chicken still alive

It may not matter a whole lot, but fwiw it sure sounds like your hen's problem is that she's laying internally, not that she's eggbound (it is possible she is *also* eggbound, but the internal laying is the more serious issue). You can search this forum for other threads on the subject, but the reader's digest version is that the future is generally bleak once they get like that (although expensive surgery could be done).

I had one quite like what you describe -- you could feel an egg in there, but she was also swollen abdominally and passing sort of 'petrified yolk' things and even after we broke the egg (after ~2 wks of it being wedged in there) she remained all full and 'soggy'. She seemed relatively happy for about a month and a half, then took a turn for the worse one afternoon and was cold and stiff the next morning. Poor thing.

I'd say do what you can to keep her comfortable.

Best of luck,

I'm inclined to agree since I've seen an egg or two (distorted as can be) and membranes. I'll see when she's too tired to go on. So far she's still happy as can be waddling around. I don't see pain in her eyes yet. Once I see it I'll help her out so she doesn't suffer. I was hoping a quick heart attach at night would suit me just fine but I don't want her to get so large she splits. She hasn't grown in size (maybe even smaller?) while I was away. I'll have better time to give her a good physical tomorrow after work.
Honestly.....if it was me..........I'd put her down. You can't solve the problem......and if she could be gone to work.........sleeping etc. She won't get better........just worse. You might not be there.


That's're right. I'm just looking for any sign she's uncomfortable and right now she's not or she has a very high threshold for pain.
That's quite a difference in the posture -- thanks for posting these pics so we'll know what to look for!
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And you know...she's still alive like that! Still doesn't show signs of being uncomfortable except walks like she's got a load on. She even a little smaller, but only ever so slightly.
My eggbound hen finally passed away the other day. I had been busy for two days and had seen her happily pecking the ground one morning but the next morning she was dead in the goat house. She must have died early the previous day because she already smelled so I didn't do the "autopsy" I planned. Through this whole experience I did learn plenty and I do not believe she was actually eggbound but she was internally laying. She just filled up with solidified egg yolks and only passed broken membranes and egg white matter periodically. She lasted probably almost 2 months but I don't remember the date of my first inital post when I joined and began the research to help her. Thank you to everyone who passed along the great information during my journey.
I am so sorry for the loss of your hen. I read through all the posts and I believe it was remarkable that she made it as long as she did!
I was going to put her down but she seemed pretty unaffected by the whole ordeal. Just pecked happily along. I'm sure the end wasn't pleasant for her and I feel bad. Thanks for your condolences.
I'm sorry for your loss.

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