Egglaying query


6 Years
Jun 20, 2013
Western New York
I got three pullets in June who began laying (two late August, one early September). Since then I have been getting three eggs a day solid, everyday. Past two days, all three laid just outside the neating boxes. Today, two eggs only, in boxes. I know most laying hens, once they are in full production don't usually lay everyday, but since I lost a hen to eggbound last spring I am paranoid. They all seem fine with visual check, and follow me around as per usual. Today was very rainy and cold, they were happy to go in roost tonight (I usually have to corral them in house at night). Thanks!
I may not be reading right but is your question why are they laying less? If it is, mine are doing the same and i believe its because the days are getting shorter. This is something that just happens unless you offer supplemental daylight... you can find information here at BYC about soooo many things like the proper way to introduce such things. And by the way ...
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I suspected shorter days, but wasn't sure given they have not been laying that long. Like I said, I am paranoid of having another hen suffer from egg bound. So I am over cautious I guess. Thanks.
Listen you can post question in the emergency forum here when you have concerns.... people will answer you here but im kinda new to this too, I would get a second opinion and im sure you will get several but I think a little paranoia goes a long way personally.... the more you dig the more you learn... always keep asking questions until you are sure and comfortable :) good luck!
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X2 on shorter days. My EE was the same way, now she takes 1-2 days off a week. I wouldn't worry about laying out of the box. My EE and leghorns do it every once in awhile, usually because the one box they all insist on using is occupied.

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