Eggs and doms?


My info here says Australorp are excellent and br are very good.

Excellent- 5+ a week
Very good- 4-5 eggs a week
Good- 3-4 eggs a week
Fair- 2-3 eggs a week.
I raise a small flock of Dominiques and mine are very good layers. I get almost an egg a day from each of the Dom hens. I really think it probably depends on the strain or kind that you have. I got my Dominiques from a local breeder. Dom pullets should turn red in the face, comb and wattles before they start to lay. Mine will be 20 weeks a week from today and my pullet still has a pink comb.

You should check out the official Dominique thread for more information on the Dominique as well as the breed standard. I can't say enough good things about this breed- they are SUPER hardy, excellent foragers, very curious, docile, good dual-purpose all around great choice for the homestead flock. I think the Dom roosters are probably the most stunningly beautiful and graceful of all.
I had a dom a few years back and she layed every single day. She was my first hen to lay out of the batch of a variety of 8 chickens. She was an awesome bird, we named her lovable because she was very friendly and would let us hold her.
I love my Dom, Willie, I think I am her only friend
when I got her I got two other Doms with her but they ended up being roos... so I had to rehome her brothers, before I got rid of the boys all three were a pack, then I got two more pullets to replace the roos and those two hang around toghether, poor Willie has to come hang with me.
she follows me every where in the back yard is the first to run as fast as she can to me, sits in my lap and kept trying to play my guitar yesterday
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