Eggs Disappearing Under Broody Hen


10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
I'm heartbroken. I have 2 broody hens who have been diligently sitting on eggs for 3 weeks. I noticed an egg disappeared last week, and chalked it up to mystery. Last night I felt one egg had a heart beat! Today, it's gone too! Reading online it sounds like I could have a snake problem? There is a good size hole outside the coop. Any ideas on how to rid the marauder? Is there another reason for the disappearing eggs?
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My broody or the other chickens ate the fertile eggs we had in coop...I know we don't have snakes...they just got hungry...luckily they were too far along...we had marked them with pencil.
whatever is getting them, will keep on until you take care of it. Snake, raccoon and possum can eat eggs. are there any leftovers? a snake will swallow whole. Can you make a cage around the both nest with hardware cloth?

Its also possible that another chicken is eating eggs, but i would think you would see some scraps after that.
The funny thing is there is no trace left around. No broken shell, etc. . . they must be getting swollen whole? I will look into hardware clothe. I could put a small dog kennel in the coop as their brooding area, but will need to cover the door since a critter could get through the bars. Thanks for replying, it makes me feel better. This chicken farming is not for the faint of heart
but I will press on.
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