Eggs exploding while boiling


15 Years
Feb 17, 2009
Catlettsburg KY
OK, I've searched the forum and can't find an answer. My eggs are exploding when I boil them. I use the "older" eggs, straight out of the fridge, put vinegar in the water, and bring to a boil. About 1/2 of them will explode when they start to boil. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I never can get mine to boil good so they peel right. What I found that works the best is to use a thumb tack and pick at the end of the egg until I get a tiny hole dug into the shell but not into the membrane then boil them. The water gets between the shell and membrane and they peel great. It even works with newer eggs.

Hope this helps. A bit of tedious work prior to boiling but at least I don't peel have the white away with the shell.
I have one bird that consistently lays oddly shaped eggs with thin shells. Yes, they get layer feed, oyster shell, plenty of calcium so it's not a dietary deficiency. She's not ill. I think she has a defective shell gland and is destined to lay inferior eggs. Her eggs always break when I boil or steam them so I try to save them for other uses.

Do you notice a difference in shell quality of the eggs that break? I'd also try boiling without the vinegar to see if that makes any difference.
I put eggs into pan with tap water to cover---bring to boil, shut off stove,cover pot and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse eggs in cold water, and usually they peel easily
Thanks for the answers. I haven't noticed a difference with shell quality and exploding. I only have 2 hens, so the eggs are mixed up. I have NO PROBLEM with peeling, I've figured that out.
My Problem is with them EXPLODING when I boil them.
They do best when you cook them from room temperature. The reason they are exploding the internal temperature of the egg is colder than the water. Either take them from the refrigerator and put them in really cold water, then start to boil. Do not bring them to a ROLLING boil, meaning once they start to boil, turn down the temperature a bit. Good luck!

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