Eggs Hatched But Got Caught In Fan HELP! *Graphic Pics*

They look WONDERFUL!
I bet you see some new feathers growing in really soon. Keep up the neosporin!
Ok here is the picture of the chick that was scalped. He is healing nicely. The other 2 are almost completely healed. They were moved out of the brooder and into the storage tub with the older 3 siblings.


Here is the whole group of chickies together:
Notice the two in front turning gray, they were as dark as the younger brown ones

Isn't it amazing how sometimes after what looks like a fatal incident they pull through just fine and other times we find our feathered friends had died of no know cause. Good luck with your babies. Love hearing a happy story.
Here is an update on the one who was hurt the most. The others are completely healed. The little one is doing good and healing good too



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