Eggs Hatched But Got Caught In Fan HELP! *Graphic Pics*

I had one just like that and I put surgical tape on the top and bottom and trimmed it like a duck's foot. Mine also had spraddle leg, which I used tape to limit the spraddle. In just a couple of days the chick was fine. It was remarkable how well the treatment worked.
I taped his foot to the end of a popsicle stick. He can now stand on it but he falls over when he walks LOL so now he sits normally
it's a start. The other 3 are doing great so far. No infections (knock on wood), eating, drinking and sleeping the day away. They stand still while I put the cream on each one - seem to be getting use to it. The 2 that were not as bad as the white one are doing really good but the white one is going to take longer to heal. Will keep adding pictures every couple days to keep everyone updated.
The heads look great!!
I would try to get those little toes as straight and spread out as soon as possible. It is much easier to correct these problems early when the bones and tendons are all soft and growing very fast, though you have had lots of other things to focus on with these guys.
I would use something like a piece of card, maybe in addition to the popsicle stick, cut to the size of the spread out toes and like Racuda said tape the toes down to the card as if it had webbed feet, in order to prevent the toes from curling.
How are the little ones doing?

The picture with the curled toes just fascinates me... all of the different textures is really awesome.
Actually the popsicle stick is from a Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar and the ends on the stick are half an inch round so it's entire foot fit perfectly on it. I will post pictures tonight
Neosporin is okay, but better yet is EMT Gel. It provides a collagen matrix for new skin to grow.

Last year we had two hens get into a battle royal over a clutch of chicks. The hens were unhurt, but they totally scalped some of the chicks. We actually did an experiment, where we put Neosporin on some of the chicks and EMT Gel on the others. It was clear within a few days that the EMT Gel chicks were growing in new skin much faster, so we switched them all to EMT Gel.

It is a lot more expensive than Neosporin, but it's totally worth it when you need an animal to grow in new skin. We've used it on our dogs, too. It works better than anything else we've tried.

You can get it at many tack shops and feed stores, and at lots of online vendors.
I ordered that EMT gel from Ebay. Here is what the popsicle stick I used looks like, what the chick looks like with it on and the chicks going through the "healing" process.




The one with the weird toes, be careful that it doesn't keep falling on it's hocks. I had a turkey chick with the same problem and it fell so often of it's hocks that the ligament slipped. The poor chick had to be put down due to complications with it.

I'm glad to see that they are doing well so far!!

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