Eggs okay? (newbie questions)


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
I recieved fertile eggs in the mail and put them under my broody yesterday afternoon. This is my first time hatching eggs so Im curious about a couple of things. many eggs can a large breed hen lay on and hatch? Such as a buff orpington. What does it mean when they kick a egg out of the nest?

Sorry about the bad photos, but in the first picture there is a ring around one of the ends. I have a couple of eggs like this. What is it?

The second photo is what most of the eggs look like. With little spots all over them. What is it?


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It's hard to say with the first one, but the second looks like a porous shell. They can be hatched, but are more susceptable to bacteria infection.
I think the first pic might be the air cell- if it rolls around when you turn the egg it still may hatch, two of mine did.

The second is a porous shell- low calcium in the hen for that egg. They are more susceptible to bacteria, but again, still may hatch.

I do not know anything about orpingtons- sorry!
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This is the part of the egg Im talking about. There is..3 eggs with this same ring(?) at one of the ends. I didnt know if this was good or not. I'll try to take some better pictures tomorrow.


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