Eggs with blood in them, no rooster??


In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2022
I have a problem with one of my chickens. I only have 3 chickens and NO roosters. One of my hens is laying eggs with a great deal of blood in them. My vet told me about this sight. I have only had these chickens for 2 years. Does any one know what is wrong? Why is this happening
I had a hen who was experiencing blood in her eggs. She had a reproductive disorder. She laid those eggs for months, and then she stopped altogether permanently at around 18 months old. Can you tell her eggs from the other’s?
Inside the egg or on the outside of the shell? How many bloody eggs are we talking about? Blood in or on eggs isn't uncommon. It happens from time to time a blood vessel ruptures, but this isn't life threatening.
It started about 2 weeks ago. The first one didn't worry me. Just thought it was something freaky. Then it happened a second time. And yesterday I got one. The blood is inside the egg, outside of the yoke. I am not talking about a drop of blood that you usually see but about a teaspoon or table spoon worth of blood outside of the yoke.
It started about 2 weeks ago. The first one didn't worry me. Just thought it was something freaky. Then it happened a second time. And yesterday I got one. The blood is inside the egg, outside of the yoke. I am not talking about a drop of blood that you usually see but about a teaspoon or table spoon worth of blood outside of the yoke.
Did it look anything like this?
do you know what the problem is?? This is the first time I have done this, posted anything on a web site, so I keep getting lost. Could you email me and tell me the problem if you know? [email protected]
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I don't the best idea of what the problem could be, which is why I tagged some very informed fellas at the beginning of this thread.
That photo was taken from the thread that @Eggcessive linked a few posts back.
It may possibly have something to do with the blood vessels popping. But if it happens so regularly... I'm not positive.

Maybe one of the more informed folks can give you a clearer explanation as to why this may be happening to your hen.

This is from @speckledhen:
Yes, it's not anything to worry about, just a glitch, busted blood vessel.
This is from @anderson8505
I've read this can happen. Nothing to do about it, hopefully it won't happen again.
This is from @corgiscatsandchickens
Absolutely nothing to worry about unless it's a frequent thing. Gross, yeah, I guess so

, but then we're talking about something that comes out of a chicken's butt, anyway.
This is from @rungirl
It happens when a blood vessel breaks when the egg is being developed in the ovaduct. You don't usually see that in grocery store eggs because they shine a bright light through them to check that and reject those eggs, (which they go ahead and put in cooking products instead).

I get blood spots in my dark brown eggs sometimes. It's not harmful, just kind of gross.

Hopefully this helped at least a little bit!

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