

Apr 21, 2020
Hello! My chickens will be four month old this Monday. Can someone tell me the absolute earliest they will lay eggs and the most likely age they will lay eggs? Thanks!
On average, chickens start laying eggs at 6 months old, depending on the breed. Breeds like Australorps, Leghorns, Golden Comets and Sex Links will start laying as soon as 16-18 weeks. Larger, heavier breeds like Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks and Orpingtons will lay anywhere from 6 to 8 months. Six months is just the average.
With that said, my BJG layed one today... shes not to start until September. You can start looking for signs, such as comb and waddles getting redder... when you put your hand over them, they squat... it really depends on the birds. But you should start seeing them soon.
Hello! My chickens will be four month old this Monday. Can someone tell me the absolute earliest they will lay eggs and the most likely age they will lay eggs? Thanks!
Depends on the breed. Heck, it depends on the individual bird. Earliest I've heard is 16 weeks for high production breeds. Most are closer to 6 months.
Wait six months old or 6 months from now?! How big will my Jersey Giant and Light Brahma be?
Head and shoulders above your others. The hens of those breeds are usually more than 10 lbs. Hatchery birds are usually smaller, but you'll probably need to account for their size when deciding roost height and nesting boxes size. I have a Brahma and a Cochin who are both quote large. I used to have higher roosts with ramps, but they would still jump down (rather than use ramps) and I was constantly treating bumblefoot. Now my roost is at 12 inches from the coop floor - about 6 inches above the litter level. No more bumblefoot!

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