Eggtopsy: What happened to my egg? {Graphic Pictures}

Oof, yes that is a definitely possibility. I obtained some eggs from a friend who didn't know to keep them in a cool place and she didn't tell me she'd been storing them in her 100+ degree barn..... so I settled them in a cool room and killed the ENTIRE group who were on day 1-3 of incubation. *facepalm* A mess, and quite depressing.

Yes! it is so shocking when you loose so many eggs at one time!!
I kept candling, and one after another showed clear. After I was done a whole egg carton was full of bad eggs and all I could do was just stand there and stair in disbelief
I was just on the Ameraucana thread and several people were talking about their birds molting and fertility was way down! So either the eggs got hot and then cold or they weren't fertile to begin with!?
The breeder offered to send more eggs, but I'm afraid the same thing might happen, so I might buy chicks from her instead.
Kedreeva...thought you would be interested to know (I will get pics posted this weekend)...I had a BBS orp egg pip in a spider web affect then zip about 1/4"...the chick popped off a huge piece of shell but not the membrane...when it broke through the membrane, it did so on a vein...the membrane was covered in blood. The chick struggled for a few hours and the blood dried and hardened. I moistened a wash cloth with warm water and laid over the hardened membrane leave the pip hole uncovered so baby could breathe. Baby hatched on its own and was covered in blood as well as a very bloody shell.

18 Hours is doing took quite a long time for the baby to get it's strength back and get its legs under it steadily...but it is in the brooder and has eaten and drank on its own. It had a funny bump on its bottom which has subsided slowly. I am assuming that it was the navel. The pics will tell.
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I agree, probably the rest of the yolk 'swelling' going down! I am *very* glad to hear this one has survived so far despite that rough hatch! It could very easily have gone the other way. I look forward to pictures!
OK, Kedreeva . . Here is a picture of the chick that didn't hatch that I told you about on the August Hatch-a-long thread. It had the excessive veining at first candling, day 7. It had absorbed the yoke and broke through the inner membrane, but its wing was caught behind its back instead of over its head for pipping, and the feet looked twisted to one side, and of course that BIG, black vein (?) running around its stomach!!???? What the heck?
Has anyone else seen this before? Very strange!
The chick that did hatch had trouble with its neck and feet and rolled around with its feets next to its head, clawing its own face for several minutes. luckily it got its neck and legs stretched out and is a very active and healthy chick.

Chick that did make it
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Hiya, I had a 7 day egg which had life yesterday but had clearly quit when I candled today. I broke the egg in a ziploc bag along with another which turned out to be bad hence the reason no pic as it exploded when I cracked it. The chick inside seemed to have grown fine but its head had a bump protruding from it exactly like a polish chick only this one was a silkie, is that normal? or could it be some sort of deformity I know silkies can have the vaulted skull but that looked really big.
Also on a different note but possibly you will be able to answer, I just hatched my first polish chick I've only seen them feathered before so didn't know the crested bit was part of the actual head, is it part if the skull or just a fleshy lump? Probably a really stupid question but thanks in advance.
This chick was peeping very weakly so I had decided to help it out. My thought it was too big and couldn't move to pip. I was so wrong. When I got the top off I noticed a pink something on it's head but it was tucked under it's wing so I really didn't see what it was till I got it out of the egg and moved it's head. It has no skull. I've never seen such and the chick was alive. It was very weak. This is one I wish I hadn't helped out. I culled it after the pictures. The entire top of it's head had no skull and the entire brain was exposed. As you can see it was open just above the eyes.


By emvickrey at 2010-09-25

By emvickrey at 2010-09-25
I had a Button quail with the same thing, that was alive too. the other eggs in that hatched were all deformed too the only thing I could put it down to was genetic problems. Were the eggs from your own hens? pics are on this thread

No, I bought the eggs and the seller said she gets 80% hatch rates and has never had that happen. I think it was just one of those things. It could have been from x-ray also at the post office. I felt sorry for the little one. One of those times when your heart hurts for them. I ended it quickly. There is no way it could have ever had any kind of a life. I don't blame the seller at all. These things happen. I just wanted to share on the thread. I've had chicks hatch with their intestines on the outside before. I've had them pull out their intestines from trying to detach themselves from the egg. But this was a first. I'm sure there will be other "firsts" as the years go by.
Hi there, am new here. I was looking for some helpful tips. After reading your column, I know am in the right place.
I have to hand it to u. U did a great job!! Your column really did help me.

P.S. am logged in but how can i post a ?.
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