Eglu Cube Pros and Cons?


5 Years
May 6, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Well if you have read my intro you will see I purchased a 3 Meter Eglu Cube and I am building an 8 x 10 A frame run extension on wheels. For 8 months a year I will be able to move this set up on new grass but will cover in the run for the winter with clear poly. I do feel the Cube is grossly over priced but I purchased the cube mostly for what I perceive to be ease of cleaning, ability to move to fresh green spaces and hopefully keeping my birds safe from predators.
I used to raise Pigeons and Bob White quail, I live in a very damp/wet/foggy area and I really did not like my wooden coops always being wet. Also I had a terrible time every couple of years with raccoons.
I will not be insulted if people have negative comments. I would really like constructive comments.
My questions:
Does anyone have an Eglu cube?
How do you like it?
If you have one what are the pros and cons?
Thanks a bunch
Hmm I searched them up, they look pretty easy to clean, although the run is small, so it’s good that you are adding on... how many chickens are you planning on? What is the square footage of the actual COOP part?
6 would be max looking for hybrids Easter Eggers. The inside is 1 sq meter or 10.7 sq feet. Of that 2-3 feet is nest box. This coop uses roosting bars instead of a solid floor.. I purchase the 3 meter run which is 3 sq meters or 32.3 sq feet. This is the reason I am building the 8ft x 10ft = 80 sg foot extension. I purchased 2 meter run cover half clear for sun and half solid for shade. The cover keeps the rain and wind off the birds extending the coop space to the outside.
My plans are to move the coop and run extension to new grass as required. The extension will have different roosting bars and play objects etc.
6 would be max looking for hybrids Easter Eggers. The inside is 1 sq meter or 10.7 sq feet. Of that 2-3 feet is nest box. This coop uses roosting bars instead of a solid floor.. I purchase the 3 meter run which is 3 sq meters or 32.3 sq feet. This is the reason I am building the 8ft x 10ft = 80 sg foot extension. I purchased 2 meter run cover half clear for sun and half solid for shade. The cover keeps the rain and wind off the birds extending the coop space to the outside.
My plans are to move the coop and run extension to new grass as required. The extension will have different roosting bars and play objects etc.

Well, you will certainly have enough outdoor space! And it’s also great that you are partially covering it as well! My concern is that there isn’t enough indoor space. 10 square feet (whole area) - 2 s.f. (Nest box) = only 8 square feet of walking space for the birds indoors. That is only enough for 2 standard size birds, maybe 3-4 bantams. And the floor is roost bars, which aren’t very comfortable to walk on all of the time. Especially for most of the winter. Where are you planning on putting the feeder and drinker? They would take up a lot of the little indoor space if you had them inside, and if they were outside the water would freeze in the winter (unless heated) and rodents (and other critters) could get into the food very easily...

Just some things to think about!
My plan was to tarp in the 3 meter and 8 x 10 extension for the winter and heat the water. Fully knowing proper ventilation would be required. The cube also has an optional breathable insulating cover. Other Cube owners in Quebec have had no need for the insulating cover but I think I will invest in it. I have no plans to put feed or water in the coop just the run.
Thanks The YLWFlock your advice is very much appreciated.
I have never used a eglu before but my cousin has. She says it’s easy to clean, cute looking, and you can easily buy or make more outdoor space. But it’s probaky only good to 3-5 chickens. As long as you have plenty of run space then they should be fine. I just have one question though. Does the eglu have a roost? Chickens love to roost at night and without one, they could develop leg injuries. I guess you could easily put a stick through the run so that they can roost during the day time
My plan was to tarp in the 3 meter and 8 x 10 extension for the winter and heat the water. Fully knowing proper ventilation would be required. The cube also has an optional breathable insulating cover. Other Cube owners in Quebec have had no need for the insulating cover but I think I will invest in it. I have no plans to put feed or water in the coop just the run.
Thanks The YLWFlock your advice is very much appreciated.
Ok, good to hear! And you are welcome!
I have never used a eglu before but my cousin has. She says it’s easy to clean, cute looking, and you can easily buy or make more outdoor space. But it’s probaky only good to 3-5 chickens. As long as you have plenty of run space then they should be fine. I just have one question though. Does the eglu have a roost? Chickens love to roost at night and without one, they could develop leg injuries. I guess you could easily put a stick through the run so that they can roost during the day time
Hey thanks for the comments and questions. Have a look at the videos I posted earlier. Yes the inner floor is essentially a roost. But I will definitely be having roost poles outside. I’ll have photos in a few weeks of my portable run extension.
Have a great day.

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