Egyptian Fayoumis Thread!

I have ten coming in the spring from Mcmurray (no real intrest in showing, just love 'wilder' fowl). I would also love to see some pics, hear some thoughts?
Any updates? How are these birds as layers? How loud are they? Do they seem to be pretty consistent across the board as far as individual personalities and laying? Or does it vary greatly from one bird to another? I can't have any roosters so I'm just wondering what the hens are like as I am definitely getting more hens in the spring and I really love "wild"-type chickens. I would really like to have one of these as a "watchdog" for our flock as we have many predators around here. But I can't seem to find much info about them on BYC or anywhere else!
I love them - the roosters (and i see you can't have any) are VERY watchful, my most watchful roos - they all seem very good foragers and the pullets are very sweet. got 2 females (out of 5) - laid early and regularly, eggs small to medium - they let me know when they want to go in the nestbox but are in another part of the garden. The pullets seem to be ok with the babies too (after 8 weeks or so). I can leave them all day together unsupervised, not so with my blue andalusians.
This here is my most insistent helper - she wants to be wherever i mess around in the garden. They seem a little talkative at times, more so than the blue andalusians, but less than my buttercups. If you have a facebook account - i got more pics there, Actually, the fayoumis have they own album. I really like them, would have more any time. IF you want LARGE eggs - they are not first choice.


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