Electric fence--problem or ok?


Jun 27, 2013
Tampa, FL
We have an electric fence around the run and coop. When I test it, it's usually between 1000-2000 volts. About a year ago, we found a dead squirrel gripping the wire. I was surprised it killed him, but I figured maybe he wasn't smart enough to move after the first pulse? Now, my house-sitter says he found a dead possum there this morning!

I'm glad the possum didn't get the hens, but I'm wondering if my fence is too strong. I really don't want my house sitters to get hurt, and I know I've accidentally shocked myself before. (More than I'd like to admit.)

Does this sound within the range of normal or might I have a problem? I wouldn't even know how to go about reducing the voltage, really. (Especially since I'm out of state through early January.)
Thanks! It is, and I'm thankful for that! I just don't want to accidentally kill a neighbor's cat or hurt my house sitter.
That's really strange. I run between 7000-7500 volts and have had cats and kittens touch it with no deaths. The only thing my fence has ever killed were frogs and praying mantis.
That's so strange! Yes, they do absolutely know it's hot. (And they're way handier than I am, actually.) I do live in a super humid place that gets a lot of rain in the summer. Maybe they touch it when it's wet. If 7500 doesn't kill a cat, though, then I'm guessing I don't have anything to worry about. I hope. My neighbors do have a roving outdoor cat, but I guess there's only so much I can do about that. (They know about the fence, too.)
Just to be sure, this is being powered by an electric fence charger? (not an open AC hot wire)

No low powered electric fence charger should be killing small animals.

Yes, it's an electric fence charger. The lowest voltage one available at the feed store. (I have 3 kids and a dog, and no experience as an electrician. I went as cautious as possible.)

One short side of the fence runs right along a taller chain link fence--about 12-18 inches between the electric wire and the chain link. I'll ask where he found the possum, but that is where the squirrel was. Would it make more sense if the animal was getting trapped between the two?

I don't want to keep an unsafe fence running. I also promised my kids we'd do everything possible to come home to living hens--we've lost them before, Florida is rough--and the fence is working. But I want to be responsible here.

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