Electric fences and foxes ? Help!


Veggie Chick
13 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Saratoga County, NY
Just had a fox make another run through the free range flock. Had thought I had a hawk, but nope, this time it was a HUGE fox. My coops are secure enough but the runs have just flight netting as a roof. I doubt I can roof the runs due to the size and shape so I think I need to think about an electric fence. Will an electric fence keep out a fox? how many wires do I need to run?

And since I need it ASAP, any recommendations for a charger I can run out and buy at TSC now?
I would give Premier a call, rather than go to TSC. They have great fencing setups for chickens as well as sheep. You'll get your stuff fast! www.premier.com I use their electronet fencing for my birds as well as sheep. You will be pleased.
I would give Premier a call, rather than go to TSC. They have great fencing setups for chickens as well as sheep. You'll get your stuff fast! www.premier.com I use their electronet fencing for my birds as well as sheep. You will be pleased.
I'd rather go with premier, but I only have help with installation on weekends - if I don't get something by this weekend they'll be unprotected all week. =(

The netting will be too costly, as I have a large area with multiple coops I need to fence. I'd love to get the netting tho! :)
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Well, I'd get insulators and run a couple of strands of hotwire on the outside of your runs. I would use metal wire, instead of the tape or strands of plastic you get at TSC. I've used them, and they don't hold up, or carry much of a charge. You want to light that puppy UP!

Get a plug-in charger rather than a solar one, (more juice) and have at it. I'd get the one that claims to cover the most miles, OR the one with the highest amperage. Regardless of the voltage, the amps are what carries the bite!

Good luck!
Thanks! I already have a big spool of fence wire that we bought at TSC so I know they do sell it. We have power to all the coops so running regular power is not a problem.

What levels should I put the wires at for foxes? Can I put them on the run itself (welded wire with hardware cloth). I do have several outdoor cats and would prefer they not die. :p I have not seen any other predators here except for foxes and hawks (and the occasional skunk, but we have a live and let live agreement with our resident skunk who has been here for years).

Something like this?


Now that I am looking at my coops, I think I will get two smaller charger and run two fences. They are pretty far apart and this would allow for less wiring.
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I don't know what to recommend, but good luck! The fox population has skyrocketed in our area this year.
I picked up two 20 acre ac chargers on amazon for about $100 - we'll start with those. If they aren't any good, easy enough to return.I already have wire, so now I think I just need the insulators and posts. I see some peeps string the wire right on the run, I guess I could do that as well.
I'd run the wire about 8 inches to a foot off the ground for a fox. Unless the fence is pretty short, they are going to try to dig under it. The hot wire will change their mind.

If the fox can jump over the fence, electric fence won't work because the fox has to be touching the ground to get the shock.

We only have red fox, so if this is a gray fox I understand they can climb. In which case you could run another wire from the top of post to top of post a few inches above the welded wire. They will touch the hot wire and the welded wire will ground them and they get zapped. I doubt this is necessary but like I said I don't know much about gray fox.

You could energize the welded wire as long as it doesn't touch the ground and you insulate it from the posts. I've read that if the voltage is too high you can fry your chickens so I'd research that a little more.

You will also have to keep the grass and weeds from touching the hot wire. Too much of that and it shorts out and is not effective.
I wish I could get them back in the coop but this group is not fooled, even by food. Fox just got another one, even with me standing outside. My prettiest naked neck. =(

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