Eliminating egg eating snakes (may seem graphic to some)

Please tell us. I need to know so I can get the giant monster snake that is getting in my barn before it eats more chicks & eggs.
Put plastic easter eggs in the nest,it will stop em right up,they can't digest them.There you have the guilty one that killed hisself!
And the eggs kill them immediately?

Mom had a big 6-7 ft Ratsnake in her coop the other day. It had eaten the fake wooden egg, but it was still alive and scaring the mess out of her.

I am sorry I had to be off here for awhile my other life was calling.

Ok What he does is boil an egg, then he uses a serrated knife and cuts a verticle slit along the side of the egg.
The he inserts a fish hook with the shank pressed into the egg to where the tip and barb are inside the edge of the egg and are pointed to the outside.
He has the hook tied to a line and then tied off to something.
Then he just puts the egg in a nest. (He usually puts it in a cage or nest where nothing else can get to it.)
The snake will swallow the egg and get hooked.
Of the ones he caught this weekend allof them could have had the hook removed and then been released somewhere else if a person chose to do so.
Of course he didn't relocate them, at least not in this world.
It is a simple plan and as long as the hooks are put in the right way it works just about every time.
I hope this isn't too graphic for everyone.
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That is very interesting! I will have to try that. I have a huge rat snake that has lived in my sheds for 4 years. He's gotten HUGE, and has stolen many, many eggs and smothered many, many young pullets. I did get his girlfriend the other day....wounded her so bad she should have died though she got away from me so I'm not sure yet. Looks like I'm going to have to give this technique a try. Thanks a bunch!
I was told PUT golfballs in the nests , and when they swallow the golfball , END OF STORY

I tried golf balls....eggs were eaten but not the golf balls!

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